Palestine by The sound of reason
Close my eyes tonight
My conscience by my side
It’s hard to live this life
Where truth begins with lies
My conscience by my side
It’s hard to live this life
Where truth begins with lies
So I won’t sleep… I will stay awake
Cause if I dream… they will/then they’ll take their claim
Oh I try… oh I try to fight
To stay awake tonight
Palestine, Palestine, Palestine… always on my mind
Cause if I dream… they will/then they’ll take their claim
Oh I try… oh I try to fight
To stay awake tonight
Palestine, Palestine, Palestine… always on my mind
Truth is where desire ends
A meaning to an end
I search myself all the time
To change what’s in my mind
A meaning to an end
I search myself all the time
To change what’s in my mind
So I won’t sleep… I will stay awake
Cause if I dream… they will/then they’ll take their claim
Oh I try… oh I try to fight
To stay awake tonight
Palestine, Palestine, Palestine… always on my mind
Cause if I dream… they will/then they’ll take their claim
Oh I try… oh I try to fight
To stay awake tonight
Palestine, Palestine, Palestine… always on my mind
I can’t find peace cause it’s hard to release what we’ve done
What we could be if we’d only see what we’ve become
It’s unbelievable it’s undeniable ohhhh!
I want free, won’t sleep, won’t dream, won’t eat, won’t breathe
Won’t give in to what’s building inside of me
What we could be if we’d only see what we’ve become
It’s unbelievable it’s undeniable ohhhh!
I want free, won’t sleep, won’t dream, won’t eat, won’t breathe
Won’t give in to what’s building inside of me
(Guitar solo)
Close my eyes tonight
My conscience by my side
My conscience by my side
P/S: saya rasa lebih baik kita dengar lagu ni drpd lagu justin bieber (PRAY).
Zain Bhikha
Give Thanks To Allah
Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Praise Him all day
For what is and what was.
Take hold of your Eeman
Don't give in to Shaitan
O you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur, Allahu Rahim, Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikuna, Hua Razikuna, wa hua ala qulli shayyin Qadir.
Allah is Ghafur, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the One Who loves the Mohsinin,
He is the Creater, He is the Sustainer and He is the One Who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Praise Him all day
For what is and what was.
Take hold of your Eeman
Don't give in to Shaitan
O you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur, Allahu Rahim, Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikuna, Hua Razikuna, wa hua ala qulli shayyin Qadir.
Allah is Ghafur, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the One Who loves the Mohsinin,
He is the Creater, He is the Sustainer and He is the One Who has power over all.
For the moon and the stars
Praise Him all day
For what is and what was.
Take hold of your Eeman
Don't give in to Shaitan
O you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur, Allahu Rahim, Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikuna, Hua Razikuna, wa hua ala qulli shayyin Qadir.
Allah is Ghafur, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the One Who loves the Mohsinin,
He is the Creater, He is the Sustainer and He is the One Who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Praise Him all day
For what is and what was.
Take hold of your Eeman
Don't give in to Shaitan
O you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur, Allahu Rahim, Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikuna, Hua Razikuna, wa hua ala qulli shayyin Qadir.
Allah is Ghafur, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the One Who loves the Mohsinin,
He is the Creater, He is the Sustainer and He is the One Who has power over all.
"Any Given Time by Outlandish"
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
I swear by The Lord of the moon split in 2
5 o'clock in the morning, I be calling You
I'm totally lost with out Your light
I'm finding my self on the strive all the time
Not a single day goes by
I'm out to fight the devil but never fought myself
Read a thousand books but never read myself
My souls starving it needs to be fed lord I need your help
Hell with the devil my biggest enemy's myself
It makes me wonder am I doing this for the right reasons
I mean the money the fame and game all sounds appealing
Instead of entertaining I prefer to enlighten
But then again who am I to be in a position
To represent a whole generation of kids and to make them believe
When till this day I still struggle to uphold my deen
I read a 100 God is great in less then a minute
And though my tongue is fast like twista
My hearts not in it
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
By the one in whose hands my soul is there is no match
To think a spider couldn't? weave a curtain just like that (break)
I wouldn't be here without Your light
I'm finding my self on the strive all the time
Not a single day goes by
Sí que tengo fervor, devoción para dar mi granito de arena
Y mi aspiración mantenerla serena
Yo Tengo buen criterio aunque a veces esta difuso
Yo Tengo mi firmeza de la cual a veces abuso
Yo trato de ser justo, me sobra lealtad
Coraje valentía, me falta sobriedad
Diferentes situaciónes,diferentes actitudes
Afectan mi progreso y todas mis virtudes
Sure I have fervour to give my grain of sand
And my aspirations keep them serene
My perception is sound even though it sometimes gets fuzzy
I have my resolution even though I sometimes abuse it
I try to be righteous, I abound in devotion
Courageous irascibility, I lack moderation
Different situations, different attitudes
Hamper my development and all of my virtues
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
Mercy with out boasting
Gifts with out terms
Goodness with out anger
Forgive with out reason
Any given time
I do my best to strive
In Your name I rise
The apple of my eye
Even when I'm not alone
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I'm all alone
Even when I'm in sleep
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I'm in it so deep
Even when I'm all gone
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even as I'm singin' this song
Even when I'm on a high
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I try to touch the sky
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
I swear by The Lord of the moon split in 2
5 o'clock in the morning, I be calling You
I'm totally lost with out Your light
I'm finding my self on the strive all the time
Not a single day goes by
I'm out to fight the devil but never fought myself
Read a thousand books but never read myself
My souls starving it needs to be fed lord I need your help
Hell with the devil my biggest enemy's myself
It makes me wonder am I doing this for the right reasons
I mean the money the fame and game all sounds appealing
Instead of entertaining I prefer to enlighten
But then again who am I to be in a position
To represent a whole generation of kids and to make them believe
When till this day I still struggle to uphold my deen
I read a 100 God is great in less then a minute
And though my tongue is fast like twista
My hearts not in it
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
By the one in whose hands my soul is there is no match
To think a spider couldn't? weave a curtain just like that (break)
I wouldn't be here without Your light
I'm finding my self on the strive all the time
Not a single day goes by
Sí que tengo fervor, devoción para dar mi granito de arena
Y mi aspiración mantenerla serena
Yo Tengo buen criterio aunque a veces esta difuso
Yo Tengo mi firmeza de la cual a veces abuso
Yo trato de ser justo, me sobra lealtad
Coraje valentía, me falta sobriedad
Diferentes situaciónes,diferentes actitudes
Afectan mi progreso y todas mis virtudes
Sure I have fervour to give my grain of sand
And my aspirations keep them serene
My perception is sound even though it sometimes gets fuzzy
I have my resolution even though I sometimes abuse it
I try to be righteous, I abound in devotion
Courageous irascibility, I lack moderation
Different situations, different attitudes
Hamper my development and all of my virtues
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
Mercy with out boasting
Gifts with out terms
Goodness with out anger
Forgive with out reason
Any given time
I do my best to strive
In Your name I rise
The apple of my eye
Even when I'm not alone
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I'm all alone
Even when I'm in sleep
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I'm in it so deep
Even when I'm all gone
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even as I'm singin' this song
Even when I'm on a high
You are closer than the veins in my neck
Even when I try to touch the sky
Mmm any given time He'll be there
I don't really have to say no more
Mmm any given time He's right here
Embedded in my living soul - oh for sure
Oh any given time I see
The beauty that has always been
In any given time
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu menurut jejak langkah Syaitan; dan sesiapa yang menurut jejak langkah Syaitan, maka sesungguhnya Syaitan itu sentiasa menyuruh (pengikut-pengikutnya) melakukan perkara yang keji dan perbuatan yang mungkar. Dan kalaulah tidak kerana limpah kurnia Allah dan rahmatNya kepada kamu, nescaya tidak ada seorang pun di antara kamu menjadi bersih dari dosanya selama-lamanya; akan tetapi Allah membersihkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya); dan (ingatlah Allah Maha Mendengar) lagi Maha Mengetahui
Surah An- Nur, Ayat 21.
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